
This specification conforms to FHIR®© R4

MedCom FHIR®© LandingPage

MedCom Core

Table of contents

This page presents the MedCom Core profiles (Danish: Kerneprofiler) used in MedCom’s FHIR standards.

These profiles describe fundamental information when exchanging information. Therefore, one or more core profiles are included in all MedCom’s FHIR standards. The core profiles do not constitute a standard on their own, but the profiles will be used in the standards, such as HospitalNotification or CareCommunication. Thus, this page includes the IG and an introduction to the content of the IG solely and does not include clinical guidelines, use cases, test protocols etc.

1 Standard documentation

In the standard documentation below you will find the necessary content to understand the technical specifications for the standard.

1.1 Technical specification

The technical specifications for the MedCom Core profiles are defined in an IG. The MedCom Core Implementation Guide (IG) includes the following profiles:

The link below gives an overview of the included profiles, what their purpose is, and which elements the system should support. Further the structure of the standard is described and supported with examples in different degree of technical skills. Click here to find an overview of the content of the standard.

2 Styling the XHTML

This section describe MedComs recommendations of how styling the XHTML should be performed. It is assummed that the XHTML styling will be used across different exchange paradigms, why it is presented here. The XHTML in the narrative text may be styled in different ways. To avoid inconsistency between implemented XHTML stylings, MedCom has defined recommendations of how styling the XHTML should be performed. MedCom’s recommendations are based on the FHIR styling of the XHTML rules.

Click here to finde MedCom’s recomendations of how to style the XHTML.


Support or contact

MedCom is responsible for this page. If you have any questions regarding this page, please contact fhir@medcom.dk or write to MedComs stream on Zulip.

Version of this documentation

The version of this documentation is Version 2.0.4. You can find the release note of the version here.

"FHIR® is the registered trademark of HL7 and is used with the permission of HL7. Use of the FHIR trademark does not constitute endorsement of this implementation guide by HL7, nor affirmation that this content is conformant to the various applicable standards"