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EHMI Production Pilot


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EHMI Production Pilot Description


In MedCom13, MedCom has a joint testing project ’Kommunale prøvesvar på ny infrastruktur’(‘HomeCareObservations on new infrastructure’), where MedCom’s two central modernization tracks are connected: FHIR and EHMI, where both the message communication and the infrastructure are modernized. The modernization is due to the need to improve the quality of e.g. security, transparency, robustness and efficient, international digital message communication. Overall the EHMI Production Pilot is described in the Project Description as part of MedCom13 here

In the project, a test will be carried out in operation in parts of Q1 and Q2 2026.

In the test, the new FHIR standard for municipal test responses, HomeCareObservation, will be sent from municipal emergency services (EOJ) to general medical practice (LPS) via EHMI.

The dispatch of the standard must be done via the new underlying eDelivery infrastructure, which is carried out on the Health Data Network, Sundhedsdatanettet, and there must also be a test of EHMI functionalities such as document sharing and Delivery status (Track’n’Trace).

The project has a number of deliverables of specifications, which can be seen below in EHMI Production Pilot specification schema

Table of contents

Project Time schedule

EHMI Pixi time schedule

EHMI Core Description

EHMI Core is defined as

EHMI Core is further described here

EHMI Core Security Description

EHMI Core Security is defined as

EHMI Delivery Status Description

EHMI Delivery Status is defined as

EHMI Delivery Status is further described here

EHMI Delivery Status Security Description

EHMI Delivery Status Security is defined as

EHMI Production Pilot specification schema

EHMI Specification Q1 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 & Q4 2024
read more…
ehmiSMP Spec for AP
ehmiSBDH Spec for MSH & AP
EHMI Core Security
read more…
EHMI Security for EHMI Core

read more…

EHMI Spec for EDS Client write operation
- AP
read more…
EHMI Specs for EDS Server operations
EHMI Spec for other EDS Client operations

EHMI Servers

  EHMI Specs for all EHMI Server operations:
Tenders for:
- EHMI EDS Server
- EHMI EAS Server
- EHMI EER Server
EHMI Server & API Security

EHMI API Security for:
EDS Security is handled as described in:
Sikkerhedsarkitektur EHMI Services v0.22 (opens in new window)
EHMI Server & API Security for:
Tenders for:
- EHMI Security Server

Changes that EHMI causes on MedCom FHIR IGs and FHIR Profiles (by 2024.04.01)

EHMI Domain FHIR Profile(s) FHIR IG(s) Change/New Comments
EHMI Core MessageDefinition MedComMessaging IG New A new basic profile, that will be inherited in all concrete Message Profiles. Is used to define Version among other things
EHMI Core All concrete message profiles will have a MessageDefinition. In the production pilot especially HomeCareObservationMessageDefinition All Concrete Message IGs. In the production pilot especially HomeCareObservation IG New Is used to define Version among other things
EHMI Core All Concrete Message Profiles All Concrete Message IGs Change Message Profiles are going to reference MessageDefinition
EHMI Core DocumentReference MedComDocumentSharing IG? New A new basic profile, that will be inherited in all? concrete Message Profiles. Is used to transmit XDS Metadata to XDS. Could be part of a new MedComDocumentSharing IG, that serve as the base of DocumentSharing in MedCom’s FHIR hierarchi of IGs
EHMI Core All concrete message profiles will have a DocumentReference. In the production pilot especially HomeCareObservationDocumentReference All Concrete Message IGs. In the production pilot especially HomeCareObservation IG? Or maybe a special DocumentRefernce IG New Is used to transmit XDS Metadata to XDS for a concrete Message Profile
EHMI Endpoint Register Device EHMI Endpoint Register IG New Is used to define applications. Will have relations to Endpoints and MessageDefinitions
EHMI Delivery Status Device EHMI Delivery Status IG New Is used to define source for EDS DeliveryStatus services

Note! All links opens in a new window.


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Version of this documentation

The version of this documentation is: Version 0.9.0 You can find the release note of the version here.

"EHMI® is the registered trademark of MedCom and is used with the permission of MedCom."