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EHMI Endpoint Register (EER)


**To be specified in Q2 2024**

The EHMI Endpoint Register (EER) is an organizational register of Endpoints related to the public SOR.

As SOR will be developed to host only the regular physical locations of an organizational unit, EER will take over the role of SOR-EDI, which hosts the GLN number of a SOR unit and its supported messagetypes. GLN is the actual foreign key to SOR in SOR-EDI. In EER the foreign key to SOR will be the SORID. Thereby the SOR Unit will be able to have more Endpoints expressed by GLN. Util the transition of SOR to be able to handle this, EER will be limited to have only one GLN per SOR unit.

EER will in the first version serve the following purposes:

As expressed in “Elaborated Vision for Message Communication in the Health Sector” (slightly reformulated):

Information about an organizational unit’s mailbox is available in SMP, which opens an important distinction. On one hand, a mailbox is related to the organizational unit it receives messages for and, on the other, a mailbox is also related to the message infrastructure itself through which the messages are sent.

SMP is part of the latter, but today the mailbox information is located in SOR, that is, very closely coupled to the former. In order to accommodate both, and to make the existing coupling to SOR less tight as well as to allow for the one-to-many relation between an organizational unit and its mailboxes, it is decided to move the mailbox information to an independent register of mailboxes outside SOR.

In this way, the three distinct business-related concepts of organizational unit, mailbox, and message types are separated into three separate but related registers SOR, EER, and SMP.

As expressed in “Elaborated Vision for Message Communication in the Health Sector” a decision on which IHE directory service should be followed, it is decided to follow the mCSD profile, while being pragmatic to this approach and develop it as needed in versions

The whole specification for EHMI Endpoint Register (EER) can be found here

An outline of the components of the EHMI Endpoint Register (EER) can be seen here:

EHMI Delivery Status (EDS)


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Version of this documentation

The version of this documentation is: Version 0.9.0 You can find the release note of the version here.

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