Table of contents
In total, eleven profiles from MedCom Core IG, MedCom Messaging IG and MedCom HomeCareObservation IG constitute the HomeCareObservation standard. A short description of each profile can be seen in the Table 1.
Profile | Ressource | Description | MustSupport elements | Implementation Guide Origin |
MedComHomeCareObservationMessage | Bundle | Acts as a container for the content of the message. Inherited from the MedComMessagingMessage |
ID Type Timestamp Entry |
HomeCareObservation |
MedComHomeCareObservationMessageHeader | MessageHeader | The header of a MedComHomeCare message which must always be the first referenced profile, when the type of the bundle is 'message'. This profile holds references to the fundamental information in a message, such as sender, receiver, and the content of the message in terms of HomeCareDiagnosticReport porfile. This profile is inherited form the MedComMessagingMessageHeader |
Id Text Event[x]:eventCoding Destination:primary Destination:primary.use Destination:primary.endpoint Destination:primary.receiver Sender Source Source.endpoint Focus |
HomeCareObservation |
MedComCoreDiagnosticReport | DiagnosticReport | Contains central information about a DiagnosticReport containg all observation |
Status Code Subject Issued Meta.Security Performer Result Media Media.Link Conclusion |
Core |
MedComCoreObservation | Observation | Contains central informaion about an observation |
Status Code Code.coding.system Code.coding.code Subject EffectiveDateTime Value Note |
Core |
MedComHomeCareDiagnosticReport | DiagnosticReport | Contains information to all observation results performed and produced by the municipal acute care team |
Status Code Subject Issued Meta.Security Performer.ProducerOrganization Performer.practitionerRole Result Media Media.Link Conclusion |
HomeCareObservation |
MedComHomeCareObservation | Observation | Describes a observation performed by municipal acute care team |
Status Code Code.coding.system Code.coding.code Code.coding.display Subject EffectiveDateTime Value.Quantity Value.string Interpretation Note |
HomeCareObservation |
MedComProducerOrganization | Organizarion | Represents the producer of the observation |
Text Identifier:EAN-ID Identifier:SOR-ID Identifier:ProducentID Identifier:ProducentID.system Identifier:ProducentID.value Name |
Messaging |
MedComCoreMedia | Media | Represents the attached file that is generated in connection with HomeCareObservation. | Identifier Status Operator Content.contentType Content.title Content.creation |
Core |
MedComRequesterOrganizaion | Organization | Represents the organization that requests the observation |
Text Identifier:EAN-ID Identifier:SOR-ID Identifier:Ydrenummer Name Contact |
Messaging |
MedComCorePatient | Patient | Contains information about the patien who have had observation done |
Name | Core |
MedComCorePractitionerRole | PractitionerRole | Describes the role of a healthcare professional or another actor involved in citizen or patient care. This profile is used to describe the author role and sender or recipient. |
Practitioner Organization | Core |
MedComCorePractitioner | Practitioner | Describes a healthcare professional or another actor involved in citizen or patient care. This profile is used to describe the author and sender or recipient. MedComCorePractitioner is inherited from the DkCorePractitioner, and must include a name of the practitioner if available. |
Name | Core |
MedComMessagingProvenance | Provenance | Describes the activity of a message, e.g. if the message is a new message or a modified message. In case of a previously sent message, the Provenance resource holds a reference to this message. Therefore, it is possible to get an overview of the corrections or anullment of HomeCareObservation |
Id Target OccurredDateTime Timestamps Activity Agent Entity (reference to the previous message) |
Messaging |
The HomeCareObservation message follows MedCom’s generic messaging model
The references between the profiles are shown in Figure 1 below. The MedCom HomeCareObservation Message profile acts as the container which includes the other profiles. From the MedComHomeCareObservationMessageHeader the sender and receiver organisations are referenced respectively as MedComProducerOrganization(sender) and MedComRequesterorganization(receiver). Additionally the MedComHomeCareObservationMessageHeader refer focus of the message, which is the MedCom HomeCareDiagnosticReport profile. From the MedCom HomeCareDiagnosticReport Profile the MedCom HomeCareObservation profile and MedComMedia are refered. MedComHomeCareObservation contains information about the performed observation, whereas MedComMedia profile contains information about the attached file and the attaced file, if it is sendt. The MedCom HomeCareDiagnosticReport and Medcom HomeCareObservations refer the producer of the observation, which is the MedComProducerOrganization. To represents the subjec a MedComCorePatient shall be used.
MedComMessagingProvenance is used to keep track of the messaging history and define the activity of the communication. The Provenance references the MedComHomeCareObservationMessageHeader as the target and the agent.who in terms of a MedComProducerOrganization.