
This specification conforms to FHIR®© R4

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Overview of HospitalNotification codes and HL7 FHIR resources

The table below shows how the HospitalNotification codes folders map into FHIR’s terminology, and thus how one can determine, based on the resource elements, which type of HospitalNotification it is.

It is an overview of how values in the FHIR resources ‘Encounter’, ‘Provenance’ and ‘Patient’ together form the composite understanding.

The original code on the left reflects the content of the use case and then follows the explanatory text in Danish and English. The last 4 columns reflect the values from the 4 elements from ‘Encounter’, ‘Provenance’ and ‘Patient’.

Comments to the table:

Tabel 1: Overview of HospitalNotification codes
Use case code Danish text English text Encounter.Class Encounter.Status Provenance.activity Patient.Deceased
STAA Start sygehusophold - akut ambulant Start hospital stay - acute ambulant EMER in-progress admit-emergency
RE_STAA Rettelse Start sygehusophold - akut ambulant Update Start hospital stay - acute ambulant EMER in-progress revise-admit-emergency
AN_STAA Annullering Start sygehusophold - akut ambulant Cancellation Start hospital stay - acute ambulant EMER entered-in-error cancel-admit-emergency
STIN Start sygehusophold - indlagt Start hospital stay - admitted IMP in-progress admit-inpatient
RE_STIN Rettelse Start sygehusophold - indlagt Update Start hospital stay - admitted IMP in-progress revise-admit-inpatient
AN_STIN Annullering Start sygehusophold - indlagt Cancellation Start hospital stay - admitted IMP entered-in-error cancel-admit-inpatient
STOR Start orlov Start leave IMP onleave start-leave-inpatient
RE_STOR Rettelse Start orlov Update Start leave IMP onleave revise-start-leave-inpatient
AN_STOR Annullering Start orlov Cancellation Start leave IMP in-progress cancel-start-leave-inpatient
SLOR Slut orlov End leave IMP in-progress end-leave-inpatient
RE_SLOR Rettelse Slut orlov Update End leave IMP in-progress revise-end-leave-inpatient
AN_SLOR Annullering Slut orlov Cancellation End leave IMP onleave cancel-end-leave-inpatient
SLHJ Slut sygehusophold - afsluttet til hjemmet/primær sektor End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector EMER/IMP finished discharge-[Encounter.Class]-home
RE_SLHJ Rettelse Slut sygehusophold - afsluttet til hjemmet/primær sektor Update End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector EMER/IMP finished revise-discharge-[Encounter.Class]-home
AN_SLHJ Annullering Slut sygehusophold - afsluttet til hjemmet/primær sektor Cancellation End hospital stay - patient completed to home/primary sector EMER/IMP in-progress cancel-discharge-[Encounter.Class]-home
MORS Død Deceased EMER/IMP finished ”current activity” true
RE_MORS Rettelse Død Update Deceased EMER/IMP finished ”current activity” true
AN_MORS Annullering Død Cancellation Deceased EMER/IMP "previous status" ”current activity” false


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MedCom is responsible for this page. If you have any questions regarding this page, please contact fhir@medcom.dk or write to MedComs stream on Zulip.

Version of this documentation

The version of this documentation is: Version 3.0.8 You can find the release note of the version here

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