
This specification conforms to FHIR®© R4

Governance for MedCom Acknowledgement

Table of content

1. MedComAcknowledgement message

MedComAcknowledgement message follows the MedCom generic messaging model, except that the carbon-copy destination is not allowed. Click here to read about the MedCom generic messaging model.

The structure and included profiles in MedCom Acknowledgement can be seen on Figure 1:

The structure and included profiles in MedCom Acknowledgement
Figure 1: The structure and included profiles in MedCom Acknowledgement.

1.1 MedComAcknowledgement profile

Table 1: Overview of the Acknowledgement standard

Rule name

Rules used to constrain the possibilities in a MedComAcknowledgementMessage


If the response.code is different than 'ok', a reference to an OperationOutcome resource shall be included.


The message header shall conform to medcom-messaging-acknowledgementHeader profile

1.2 MedComAcknowledgementMessageHeader

The message header SHALL conform to medcom-messaging-acknowledgementHeader profile. Furthermore, when acknowledging a MedComMessage a response code indicating the type of Acknowledgement SHALL be included. Click here to see the response codes

1.2.1 MedComAcknowledgementOperationOutcome

MedComAcknowledgementOperationOutcome SHALL be included in the bundle when the MessageHeader.response.code is different from ‘ok’. Further, an OperationOutcome resource may be included when the MessageHeader.response.code is ‘ok’, e.g. in cases where the received message is valid, but it is a dublet.When the MessageHeader.response.code is different form ‘ok’, OperationOutcome SHALL contain a description of the error and the severity of the error. The ValueSet MedComAcknowledgementIssueDetailValues attached to the element OperationOutcome.response.detail.coding is used to describe the issue more detailed. MedCom has developed a ValueSet with predefined issues descriptions that can help with troubleshooting. It is recommeded to use the ValueSet but it is also allowed to add self defined issue descriptions.

Click here to se MedCom defined issue descriptions

1.3 MedComMessagingProvenance

When acknowledging a MedCom Message with an Acknowledgement, two Provenance instances SHALL be included; one describing the MedCom Message that is acknowledged and one describing the Acknowledgement. Therefore, an Acknowledgement Message will always contain two instances of Provenance resource.

Furthermore, all instances of the Provenance resource SHALL comply to the MedComMessagingProvenance profile

1.4 Envelope

MedCom Acknowledgement message SHALL be wrapped in a VANSenvelope and sent over VANS-network. To read more about the VANS-network click her.

Values of fields used in a VANSenvelope SHALL obey to the specifications described on the page for VANSenvelope. Click here to read the specifications for VANSenvelope.


Support or contact

MedCom is responsible for this page. If you have any questions regarding this page, please contact fhir@medcom.dk or write to MedComs stream on Zulip.

Version of this documentation

The version of this documentation is: Version 1.0.10 You can finde the release note of the version here.

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