
This specification conforms to FHIR®© R4

Governance for displaying MedCom FHIR Messages

All elements marked as MustSupport SHALL be presented or easily accessed on the display of the reader of a received message.

The message as a whole coherent object SHALL be present for easy access for the reader.

The receiving application SHALL be able to show only relevant information for the different receiver roles in the receiving organization, eg. only persons in clinical roles SHALL be able to read clinical content

All applications MUST be able to print relevant messages, due to Danish legislation. Previously, MedCom has tested this, but it is now up to the vendors to ensure they support this. When printing the relevant message the patient’s Civil Registration Number (Danish: CPR) SHALL be present on each printed page.


Support or contact

MedCom is responsible for this page. If you have any questions regarding this page, please contact fhir@medcom.dk or write to MedComs stream on Zulip.

Version of this documentation

The version of this documentation is: Version 1.0.10 You can finde the release note of the version here.

"FHIR® is the registered trademark of HL7 and is used with the permission of HL7. Use of the FHIR trademark does not constitute endorsement of this implementation guide by HL7, nor affirmation that this content is conformant to the various applicable standards"
