
This specification conforms to FHIR®© R4

Governance for MedCom FHIR Message Exchange

Table of content

This Governance for MedCom FHIR Messaging includes the corresponding OIOXML version of certain MedCom FHIR Messages, that are developed with the FHIR Message as the definer of the content of the OIOXML version.

FHIR Resources can be used in a traditional messaging context, much like HL7 v2.

In FHIR messaging, a “request message” or an “unsolicited message” is sent from a source application (Sending System) to a destination application (Receiving System) when an event happens. Events mostly correspond to things that happen in the real world.

The message consists of a Bundle identified by the type “message”, with the first resource in the Bundle being a MessageHeader resource. The MessageHeader resource has a code - the message event - that identifies the nature of the message, and it also carries additional metadata. The other resources in the Bundle depend on the type of the message, eg. in which context a message is triggered.

The events supported in MedCom FHIR Messaging, along with the resources that are included in them, are defined in: Click here to read tne MedCom FHIR Messaging events.

The destination application processes the message and returns an acknowledgement message and maybe one or more response messages, which too are a Bundle of resources identified by the type “message”, with the first resource in each Bundle being a MessageHeader resource with a response section that reports the outcome of processing the message and any additional response resources required.

1 Basic Danish Messaging Assumptions

This specification assumes that content will be delivered from one application to another by some delivery mechanism, and then one or more responses will be returned to the source application.

In Denmark this specification rules the exchange of messages through the Danish Messaging Network, currently known as VANS, and using the central organization register, SOR, for delivering the virtual adressing information.

The agreements around the content of the messages and the behavior of the two applications form the “contract” that describes the exchange. These contracts are exactly what MedCom delivers in the Danish Healthcare Domain and therefore MedCom adds regional and local agreements to the rules defined in the HL7 FHIR®© specification. toThis specification ignores the existence of interface engines and message transfer agents that exist between the source and destination. Either they are transparent to the message/transaction content and irrelevant to this specification, or they are actively involved in manipulating the message content (in particular, the source and destination headers are often changed). If these middleware agents are modifying the message content, then they become responsible for honoring the contract that applies (including applicable profiles) in both directions.

2 Message Exchange Patterns

Each MedCom FHIR message has one or more response messages. There SHALL be at least one response message, an acknowledgement message, so that the sender can know, that the message was properly received.

Multiple response messages SHALL NOT be returned for messages of consequence, and SHOULD not be returned for notifications.

In principle, source applications SHOULD not wait for a response to a transaction before issuing a new transaction. However, in many cases, the messages in a given stream are dependent on each other, and must be sent and processed in order. In addition, some transfer methods may require sequential delivery of messages.

3 Reliable Messaging using MedCom FHIR Messaging

FHIR Messaging is developed to support Reliable Messaging. MedCom FHIR Messages SHALL make use of this Reliable Messaging functionality.

Click here to see how to set up Reliable Messaging using MedCom FHIR Messaging

4 Handling sending scenarios

4.1 Scenario #1 Sending to a primary receiver

When sending to a primary receiver the Receiving Organization SHALL be pointed out/referenced by destination:primary/receiver in MedComMessagingMessageHeader.

Accordingly a MedComMessagingProvenance instance SHALL be populated with an activitycode in this enumeration: new-message, reply-message, retract-message, modified-message.

4.2 Scenario #2 Sending copies of a MedComMessagingMessage

A CarbonCopy-message is a MedComMessagingMessage sent to a copy receiver of the exact same MedComMessagingMessage transaction dispatched to a primary receiver.

A Forward-message is a MedComMessagingMessage sent to a copy receiver of a MedComMessagingMessage at a different time compared with the original MedComMessagingMessage transaction. A Forward-message is a MedComMessagingMessage that might differ in content with the original MedComMessagingMessage.

When sending a copy of an original MedComMessagingMessage, either exact copy (CC) or partially copy (fwd), the sending application SHALL make a copy of the original MedComMessagingMessage and it SHALL send the copy as a new MedComMessagingMessage.

That means that the requirements of a Bundle and MedComMessagingMessageHeader applies to the new MedComMessagingMessage and that a new MedComMessagingProvenance SHALL be made reflecting the kind of copy message that is sent and added to the MedComMessagingProvenance stack.

4.3 Scenario #3 Sending to a primary receiver with an already known copyreciver

When sending to a primary receiver the Receiving Organization SHALL be pointed out/referenced by destination:primary/receiver in MedComMessagingMessageHeader.

When also sending to a copyreciver the Receiving Organization representing this SHALL be pointed out/referenced by destination:cc/receiver in MedComMessagingMessageHeader.

Both elements SHALL be represented in both MedComMessagingMessages, so that the receivers of a MedComMessagingMessage will know who was the primary receiver and who was the copy receiver(s).

4.3.1 Scenario #3a Sending to a copyreceiver while also sending to a Primary receiver

A MedComMessagingMessage to a copyreceiver is as the name says a carbon copy of the original MedComMessagingMessage.

The MedComMessagingMessage that is sent to a ccreceiver SHALL be an exact copy of the original MedComMessagingMessage sent to the primary receiver, except for the unique ids in Bundle and MedComMessagingMessageHeader and the addition of a MedComMessagingProvenance instance.

Sending to a copyreceiver is handled on different levels:

4.4 Scenario #4 Forwarding a message

A forwarded MedComMessagingMessage is a new MedComMessagingMessage to a new receiver, that was not present in the construction and dispatching of the original MedComMessagingMessage.

The MedComMessagingMessage that is sent to a forwardreceiver MAY be an exact copy of the original MedComMessagingMessage sent to the primary receiver, except for the unique ids in Bundle and MedComMessagingMessageHeader and the addition of a MedComMessagingProvenance instance.

The forwarded MedComMessagingMessage SHALL include most of the original content of the original MedComMessagingMessage.

The forwarded MedComMessagingMessage MAY add minor adjustments and minor new content.

Forwarding is handled on different levels

5 Handling receiving scenarios

There exists two types of receiver of the MedComMessagingMessage, respectively a Primary Receiver or a Copy Receiver. The information about what type of reciver the message is received by SHALL be defined in provenance. Both Primary and Copy receiver of the MedComMessage SHALL generate and send an MedCom Acknowledgement.

6 FHIR Messaging rules

ID Rule
MR1.S A MedCom FHIR Acknowledgement SHALL always be requested on a MedCom FHIR Message
MR2.S A MedCom FHIR Message SHALL be marked as sent and received when an MedCom FHIR AA Acknowledgement has been received
MR3.S A MedCom FHIR Message SHALL be marked as failed when a negative MedCom FHIR AR Acknowledgement has been received
MR4.S A MedCom FHIR Message SHALL be marked as failed when a negative MedCom FHIR AE Acknowledgement has been received
MR5.R A MedCom FHIR Message SHALL not be resent more than 3 times upon receipt of an MedCom FHIR AE Acknowledgement
MR6.R A MedCom FHIR Message SHALL NOT be re-sent more than 3 times in the event of failure to receive an MedCom FHIR AE Acknowledgement
MR7.R A MedCom FHIR Message that is resent SHALL always be updated with new timestamp=Provenance.timestamps and new envelopeid=Bundle.id
MR8.R A MedCom FHIR Message is a duplicate if it contains the same MessageHeader.Id as a previously received MedCom FHIR Message

7 FHIR Messaging Acnowledgement rules

ID Rules
KR1.R A FHIR message SHALL always be acknowledged
KR2.R An Acknowledgement message SHALL never be acknowledged
KR3.R If no errors are found while receiving a message, a positive Acknowledgement SHALL be made with AA
KR4.R If a technical error occurs in the receiver’s system while receiving a message, a negative Acknowledgement SHALL be made with AR
KR5.R If a technical error from KR4.R is resolved and the message can be loaded Acknowledgement SHALL be made with AA
KR6.R If a message validates negatively against the standard’s profiling, it SHALL be acknowledged negatively with AE
KR7.S If an Acknowledgement of a message is not received within 30 minutes, the original message MAY be marked for resending


Support or contact

MedCom is responsible for this page. If you have any questions regarding this page, please contact fhir@medcom.dk or write to MedComs stream on Zulip.

Version of this documentation

The version of this documentation is: Version 1.0.10 You can finde the release note of the version here.

"FHIR® is the registered trademark of HL7 and is used with the permission of HL7. Use of the FHIR trademark does not constitute endorsement of this implementation guide by HL7, nor affirmation that this content is conformant to the various applicable standards"
