
This specification conforms to FHIR®© R4

1.1 Terms used in Governance for MedCom FHIR®© Messaging

This page presents the most commonly used terms and abbreviations used to describe the Governance for MedCom FHIR messaging. In the table below, each term or abbreviation has an associated description that eloborates the meaning of the term. For some terms is a link provided, which includes more information about the term.

Terms Description Link
EAN Location Number issued by th GS1 organization through its partners all over the world - in Denmark SDS ( also known as GLN, Location number). Location numbers and related electronic message types are used for electronic message-based communication between the health service parties Only Danish- further links on that page
SDS Sundhedsdatastyrelsen (The Danish Health Data Authority) Danish & English
SOR Sundhedsvæsenets Organisations Register (Healthcare Organization Register in Denmark ) Only Danish
VANS VANS is an abbreviation of Value Added Network Services, in Denmark an Asynchronous Network run by 3 private suppliers KMD, MiltiMed A/S, TrueCommerce)
Dispatch Dispatch of a message means the process in the Sending System, where a message is send N/A
Shipment Shipment of a message means the whole process from dispatchment in the Sending System to reception in the Receiving System N/A
Sending System The system that dispatches a message N/A
Receiving System The system that receives a shipped message N/A
MSH Abbreviation for Message Service Handler. The part of a system that dispatches a message or receives a message N/A
FHIR MSH FHIR Message Service Handler. The part of a system that dispatches a FHIR message or receives a FHIR message N/A
VANSEnvelope MSH VANSEnvelope Message Service Handler. The part of a system that dispatches a VANSEnvelope message or receives a VANSEnvelope message N/A
Sending Ecosystem The collection of Sending System, Sending FHIR MSH and Sending VANSEnvelope MSH, that dispatches a message N/A
Receiving Ecosystem The collection of Receiving System, Receiving FHIR MSH and Receiving VANSEnvelope MSH, that receives a message N/A


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MedCom is responsible for this page. If you have any questions regarding this page, please contact fhir@medcom.dk or write to MedComs stream on Zulip.

Version of this documentation

The version of this documentation is: Version 1.0.10 You can finde the release note of the version here.

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